Try to tell the truth. It's hard to do on a world built on lies. I've been trying to tell the truth for over a year now. The truth is I'm not sure what the truth is. Does anyone know the truth?
One political party in the United States of America acts like an insane mother with a credit card and no way to pay off the debt except with lies in the here and now. She is only thinking of her children. Sexist as this might be, it might be the truth. Is this the truth or just my own narrow view of the world?
Another political party in the United States of America acts like an insane father with out the will to make the hard decisions. He used the credit card earlier to pay off his good old boy network. These buddies of his were drunk on greed and needed a keg to keep them drunk. Sexist as this might be, it too may hold some truth. Am I just telling myself lies or does my view of the world ring true?